


Deadline Extended for Instructional Program Selection

Deadline Extended for Instructional Program Selection


十大菠菜导航网址的工作人员一直在努力准备多种教学选择,以满足持续大流行期间学生和家庭的需求. To prepare for the upcoming school year, 并根据国家的建议和指示,灵活地应对可能要求我们做出的任何变化, county and local health officials, 我们最近向家庭发送了一份菠菜网lol正规平台他们对2020-21年教学计划的偏好的调查. The deadline to respond to this survey has been extended to Aug. 14. 澄清一下,所有已经在我们学校注册的学生将继续在他们的网站注册. 此调查中的选择不会影响您的学校和特殊课程或途径实习. This survey simply determines your preference regarding multiple options for students, so that we can plan for staffing and master schedules. 您可以在ParentVUE的“学校选择”下,然后在“家长点击选择2020-2021年的课程”标题下访问调查.“如果你已经通过这个过程做出了选择,那么你可以忽略这个通知. 然而, if you’d like to change your selection, you may do so until the newly extended deadline of Aug. 14.

The easiest way to make your selection is through the ParentVue mobile app. 由于体积过大,一些家庭在使用台式电脑版本时遇到了技术困难或延迟.

For families that do not complete the survey, 默认的选择是让你的孩子在安全的情况下完全返回学校(K-5年级)或以混合形式(6-12年级).  


  • 教学计划选择调查可通过parentue帐户的“选择学校”部分获得.
  • Selections can be changed as many times as needed until the deadline.
  • All students will start online until state, county and local health officials, 经与学区协商,认为学生们可以安全返校了.

View the instructional model options for elementary, middle and high schools here.

Application Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions About Instructional Program Choices

Why does the selection require a one-year commitment?

当我们可以安全返回校园时,让家庭选择一年的学生将最大限度地减少学生的干扰. 了解家庭的偏好可以让我们制定主要的时间表,从而减少对学生的干扰, limiting mid-year teacher and course changes. In this way, the student will have a consistent schedule (ie., the same teacher and courses) for the entire school year.


我们将有一个适当的过程,家长可以要求更改他们的孩子的选择在以后的日期. 然而,未来课程模式的改变可能需要更换学生的老师. 例如, if a class of 30 students all selected an online option, we would place those students together with Teacher A at the start of the school year. 然而, 如果在以后的日子, 10 of those families changed their mind and requested an in-person model, 他们需要和B老师一起待在学校校园里,而他们的其他同学则和a老师一起待在网上.

Does my selection remove my child from their school or program of choice?

No. 这个选择只会影响你在2020-21学年接受教学的方式. It does not impact your assigned site or program of choice. 例如, if you are a Poly PACE student, and you choose the full year virtual or APEX model, you will still be a Poly PACE student and will not lose your spot in the program.


GATE support will still be provided within both in-person and online models. 这两种模式的教师都将实施策略,以加快学生的学习,满足最优秀学生的需求.

Who will teach the online programs?

所有在线虚拟和独立学习(APEX)课程将由高素质的教师教授, credentialed 菠菜网lol正规平台 teachers.

Is APEX independent study or homeschool? Who is expected to teach APEX courses?

APEX is an independent study model for the 2020-21 school year. Students who select that model will be supported by, and have regular communication with a credentialed teacher. While parent support is critical for any instructional model, the program is taught by 菠菜网lol正规平台 teachers.  


远程教育, 我们正在培训教师如何利用在线教学时间积极参与包括屏幕上的工作, off-screen work (with teacher availability) and built-in breaks. 例如, 60分钟的“直播”, synchronous” mathematics lesson may involve time observing the teacher, working off-screen in a math textbook, conversing with peers to discuss the problem, and receiving feedback from the teacher.

If I select one model, can I change my mind later?

If you change your mind after school starts, 一所学校是否能够满足这个要求将取决于模型内的空间可用性. 另外, 这一变化将需要一个新的小学教室和教师,以及一个新的课程安排, with potentially different teachers, at the secondary level.

Is there a possibility that my child will get a teacher that is not from their school?

All efforts will be made to place students with teachers at the school of attendance. In some circumstances, a All Online, 所有虚拟或自主学习课程都可以由不同学校的老师按照相同的时间表授课. The student’s school of attendance remains the same.

Will Physical Education and electives be available within the All Virtual model? 

P.E. will be available within the All Virtual model. Electives will also be available, 但可能是有限的, depending on the number of students that request the All Virtual option. Other elective options may be available through LBCC or APEX.  


“全在线”或“全虚拟”模式将与大多数学生在春季的体验大不相同. 第一个, 该模式通过提供一整天的在线学习,复制了传统的面对面学习体验. Students will experience live, online lessons that engage them in active learning. 从分配和完成作业到积极地让学生参与到促进学生思考的直接指导和探究课程中,将会有重大的转变, collaboration and discussion. Finally, all students will receive feedback and grades on their work.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eventually Returning to School In Person


The health and safety of our students, staff and families is of the utmost importance. 由于新的健康和安全措施,校园学校将与往年大不相同. 目前重新开学的计划是基于公共卫生官员和州机构的最新指导,并将随着形势的发展而更新. 健康和安全措施的例子包括要求员工和学生戴口罩, 健康检查, frequent cleaning and disinfection and social distancing.

My child is enrolled in GATE. If we choose the full-year online option, will they have the same instructors?

When students are safely able to return to school in person, 学校将对学生和教师进行重新分配,以满足家长对在线和面对面选择的要求. The online program will still be taught by a GATE-trained teacher.



  • 2020
  • 档案
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎
  • 区新闻